Linktip: Chopper Builders Handbook Online
Published Friday, January 27, 2006 by hogbiker | E-mail this post
Welcome To The
Chopper Builders Handbook Online
The primary objective of the Chopper Builders Handbook is to provide basic information that will enable everyone to build their own Chopper from scratch. This site is presently under construction but we will be adding new material as time permits so check back. We plan on making another major upgrade to the site in late March. ... This guidebook was prepared to provide the novice bike builder or new small shop owner with basic technical information that we do not believe has been published elsewhere. It attempts to answer the most commonly asked questions one would find posted at the typical internet motorcycle tech forum. This is an ongoing project and will remain a work in progress indefinitely. This is not a comprehensive ‘how to do it guide’ and the reader is urged to use this material in conjunction with the factory shop manuals, our Internet links and other technical publications and technical discussion forums on the Internet that address in detail the processes of welding, metal fabrication, wiring and painting, jig building and general frame fabrication.